Crossmedial portfolio: Cevora beursitems

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Cevora - exhibition items

Cevora items for fair button

The client

Cevora, the education fund for the Auxiliary Joint Committee for Employees (PC200)

The requirement

Put learning and development consultants in the spotlight

Our services

Graphic & digital design, digital printing

Our solution

For ‘Salon Epsilon’, the biennial exhibition for educational professionals, we supplied Cevora with exhibition items:

  • an XL Fabric pop-up exhibition wall and a narrow roll-up banner with an identifying image
  • a beach flag with the three most important hashtags: #BeOne, #BeOpen, and #BeCurious
  • a large poster that served as a message board on which visitors could place their business cards to participate in a contest
  • a ‘get in touch’ card for the consultant
  • a design for personalised name buttons for the Cevora sales team
Cevora items for fair banner and beach flag